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Can you hear my cry?

Can you see my eyes?

I am calling out to you…


Broken and innocent

My life snatched up

Ripped by angry jaws

Justice roars in my ears


No way to escape

This sea of unchanging white

Set in their ways

Like stone.

They cannot hear.


Wisdom is to know the time:

To sit still,

To listen,

To rest

To let go


Behind these bars I lie,

It’s what they’ve asked of me.

But I lie for truth

The hard road I’ve chosen



As plain as innocence in a child’s eyes

But childhood escapes me

So they are blind, staring into the chocolate brown

Of mine


Time after time

Thin glass windows of hope

Shatter in front of me

Behind, grey walls stand firm


And tonight,

Who emerges from the shadows

To kill me?

Guards, gangs, injustice, darkness?


I know not what the shadows bear, I fear the black night approaching


I am not alone

They live outside these walls,

My supporters, my family,




They are trapped with me

In the cold

Black bars of this cage


Denial lurks

In the heavy hearts of the state

Knowledge weighs them down

Like an anchor they refuse to pull up


The ship is still

Progress halted


One day the scales will fall

From your eyes.

You will persecute me no more


God sees the light in all of us

Can you see it in yourself?

I can


He has carved




On my heart

And I live

For him


I will not give up

I cannot give up


From my cot I am screaming

I am calling out to you.

Can you hear me? 




-Kelsey Rector

“We’re all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?” 
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt

Perseverance: A Tribute to Daryl Hunt

The text in the first stanza comes from the song "Can You Hear Me?" by James Papoulis.

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